Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh my gOd,i missed the flight!!!

 F0r the first time in 19 years of my life, i missed my first flight to Bangk0k on my way to T0ky0. The w0rse part was this time was my first time travel by kinda stupid aite!!! at that m0ment i was s0 scared and wanna die (0ver reacted) because i will miss my three connecti0n flights to Chit0se Airp0rt, Sappor0.

the st0ry started when i was late to the airp0rt due t0 the traffic jem 0n my way t0 KLIA..i though that my 'abe l0ng' w0uld be able to arrive at the airp0rt before 1300 because my flight to bangk0k was 1345.but i was wr0ng because the traffic was so suck and hectic with cars,buses, and everything!! due t0 this damn pr0blem, i was freaking nervous and worried about my j0urney to t0ky0..if i unable to arrive at the airp0rt before the bording time, i will l0st my m0ney and miss three c0nnection flights to chit0se airp0rt..this was hell because i will lose anything which are flight, money, time, and the m0st exciting experience;travel t0 Japan.

up0n my arrival t0 KLIA, i was running like hell with my luggages to check in..unf0rtunately, i was not allowed to check in because the counter was closed. 0ne of the crews informed me the flight was b0arding and ready t0 fly..then, i was screaming at the airp0rt. the whole crowded kept staring on me!! ( x malu time ni,lol )
Ya Allah, i missed the flight during my first time travel with the plane! it was fated on me......

Muhammad Wafi Abid

1 comment:

  1. macam mana kita nak letak gmbr dalam blog ye? kena masuk picoodle dlu ke? amik html? y tu cam susah je.. tp tgk blog kawan2 lain nmpk mcm senang jek masuk gmbr. siap ada description lg.. .. boleh bagi tips x yang awk letak gmbr dalam blog ni mcm mn? pleasee... ajar sikit..

    my blog:

    sangat mengharapkan tunjuk ajar dari anda kerana saya juga masih hijau dalam bab blog ni...
